Ebook Free Oblivion: A Memoir
Ebook Free Oblivion: A Memoir
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Oblivion: A Memoir

Ebook Free Oblivion: A Memoir
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"It is very difficult to summarize Oblivion without betraying it, because, like all great works, it is many things at once. To say that it is a heartrending memoir of the author's family and father--who was murdered by a hired assassin--is true, but paltry and infinitesimal, because the book is also a moving immersion into the inferno of Colombian political violence, into the life and soul of the city of MedellÃn, into the private life and public courage of a family, a true story that is also a superb fiction due to the way it is written and constructed, and one of the most eloquent arguments written in our time or any time against terror as an instrument of political action." --Mario Vargas Llosa"[Oblivion] emits a primal yet articulate howl . . . Mr. Abad's prose, in this translation by Anne McLean and Rosalind Harvey, is elastic and alive . . . In Spanish the verb 'to remember' is 'recordar, ' the author reminds us, a word that derives from 'cor, ' the Latin for heart. This memoir is extravagantly big-hearted. It will be stocked, in good bookstores, in the nonfiction or belles-lettres sections. A wise owner might also place a copy under the sign that more simply reads: Parenting." --Dwight Garner, The New York Times"[An] admirable effort at speaking the unspeakable, at verbalizing the pain accumulated over decades, is Héctor Abad's extraordinary memoir Oblivion. It's been years since I read such a powerful meditation on loss . . . I confess not to have known of [Abad] before, even though this is his second book translated into English. This ignorance was actually beneficial, for it allowed me to submerge myself in the narrative without preconception. I emerged from that submersion hypnotized. Oblivion will remind you in equal measure of Vittorio de Sica's Italian neo-Realist movie The Bicycle Thief and Elie Wiesel's Holocaust novel Night . . . [Abad's] desire to explore the echoes of memory with meticulous care, to touch the wound of the past through lucid prose, is an act of valor." --Ilan Stavans, San Francisco Chronicle"A family memoir that deserves classic status . . . [Abad] not only pays radiant homage to a hero but champions the path of peaceful change he so steadfastly took." --Boyd Tonkin, The Independent"A tremendous and necessary book, devastatingly courageous and honest. At times I wondered how [Abad] was brave enough to write it." --Javier Cercas"A beautiful and profoundly moving work." --El PaÃs"[Oblivion] is a shattering chronicle of Colombia's violence. But it is also an inspiring tribute to tolerance and paternal love." --Giles Tremlett, The Guardian"A beautiful, authentic, and moving book." --Rosa Montero"[A] great and deeply moving testament." --Kate Saunders, The Times (London)"An unbearably moving, eloquent tribute to the author's father--who was murdered by Colombian paramilitaries in 1987--that is fit to burst with love and pride." --Holly Kyte, The Telegraph"I store up what I have read by Héctor Abad like spherical, polished, luminous little balls of bread, ready for when I have to walk through a vast forest in the nighttime." --Manuel Rivas"Colombian author Abad dedicates this loving and sentimental memoir to his father, Héctor Abad Gómez, a professor and doctor devoted to his family, "moved to tears...by poetry and music," and committed to a better Colombia. The latter aspiration cost him his life when he was assassinated in 1987, and his son began writing this book five years later. Abad spends much of the book expressing his love for his father, but it is his discussion of Gómez's public health and human rights projects--such as founding "the Colombian Institute of Family Wellbeing, which built aqueducts and sewer systems in villages, rural districts, and cities"--that reveals what a remarkable educator, reformer, and activist the senior Abad was, and how his assassination was a tragedy for a family and a nation." --Publishers Weekly
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Héctor Abad is one of Colombia's leading writers. Born in 1958, he grew up in MedellÃn, where he studied medicine, philosophy, and journalism. After being expelled from university for writing a defamatory text against the Pope, he moved to Italy before returning to his homeland in 1987.
Taschenbuch: 263 Seiten
Verlag: FARRAR STRAUSS & GIROUX; Auflage: Reprint (14. Mai 2013)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0374533938
ISBN-13: 978-0374533939
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
14,7 x 1,8 x 20,2 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
5.0 von 5 Sternen
1 Kundenrezension
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 336.344 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Well, I grew up in Europa in the sixties and were told, that all those things we heard about Latin America and the killing of people over there was pure propaganda by the Left. Now, almost 60 years later I am reading more and more about it and did find out, that one lied at us and that all this was true.That book is beautiful written and easy to read although the content is everything but easy!Thanks to Hector Abad, I want to read more about Latin America.
Although titled Oblivion: A Memoir, this book is much more than just a son’s reflections about his father. Through it, Héctor Abad Faciolince provides the reader with an intimate portrait of the human rights’ struggle in Colombia over his father’s lifetime, as well as, a wake-up call to a world wracked by violence.Written some twenty years after his father’s assassination on the streets of MedellÃn, Colombia, Oblivion is without a doubt one of the most transformative books that I have read in the past twenty years. Upon finishing it, I realized, perhaps for the first time in my life, that I have not done enough to ease the suffering of others. Truly, as I read the story of this positive, loving father, I was humbled not only by his unconditional love for his son, but for the people of Colombia and indeed the world.My full review is available on my blog at https://readingwritingreacting.wordpress.com/2015/12/23/book-review-oblivion-by-hector-abad/
This memoir is the fascinating, beautifully written coming of age story of Hector Abad, the son of Hector Abad Gomez. Gomez was no ordinary man; he was a towering presence in his son’s life and throughout Colombia. He was a professor, a doctor, and an international health care advocate who worked tirelessly to help Colombia’s poor. An enlightened man living in a not so enlightened time, he fought old world thinking while dodging Colombia’s deadly warring political factions. Ultimately, he paid for his passions with his life.This book provided me a glimpse into Colombia, the real Colombia, which unfortunately has had a tendency to be reduced by the western media as a land of violent drug cartels and coffee beans. But there is a complicated and beautiful history contained in this book that was a pleasure (and a horror) to discover.I thoroughly enjoyed this immensely personal, bittersweet tale of a father’s unconditional devotion to his son and would highly recommend it. It is often dark, and more often painful, but well worth the read.
I bought this book after reading a review of it in The Nation Magazine and was not disappointed. Intrigued from page one, I couldn't put the book down, an unusual reaction to a story about someone else's family. This is no hazy set of photographs taken by a 6-year old with his or her first camera. None of the important parts are cut from the scenes; we can observe whole people and situations as if we were in the picture ourselves. Oblivion is compelling in many ways: it tells about the joys and tragedies of one family in a very relatable way; it introduces readers to a nation and a religion with all the warts and oozy sin pouring out; it reveals Columbia's chaos and the crises of a nation that creates hardship and genuine fears for those it purports to govern; it leads to an understanding of parental love and what that love can and cannot do for children. This makes Oblivion not only inspirational, but also, a history and basic psychology lesson. That's a lot for any author to do without intellectual pretensions or maudlin descriptions or self laudatory revelation. Mr. Abed can write.I liked this book so much I bought it for my own adult children. I want them to see that we're not the only family that travels together with bumps along the way, that good and bad blending into grey is a common occurrence, that none of us escape the pain that comes with loving others as well as the joy we can choose to develop regardless of that pain. I hope Mr. Abed will continue writing and that we Americans will be recipients of his words. We need to hear what it's like to live in places without democratic protections and so-called entitlements. We have no idea what it's like to live without any safety net. Before we vote this November on the future of our nation, we need more books like this one.
I like generally like memoirs. I had no connection to this story other than seeing this referenced on a movie or show I was watching and i always maintain an interest in learning about other cultures from a biographical perspective. I feel I understand the people of the Columbian culture a little better than before. Also, the fringe extremes of any society are frustrating to me and end up being deadly for many.
I was afraid that this book would be dark, ominous, given the political reality of Colombia when Hector Abad Gomez was murdered by members of death squads in 1987. While we encounter evil, Oblivion is the love story of a father for his son and family, the passion of a humanist for social justice, an oasis of beauty in the middle of chaos. Social justice seems to lose against the paramilitary forces, with so many people disappearing, being tortured and killed but we are left with hope for the future. A truly memorable book.
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